
Crown & Bridges treatment in Bistupur

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Omkarananda Dental Care is a leading dental clinic offering top-notch crown and bridge treatment in Bistupur. Using advanced materials and techniques, we provide long-lasting results. We will also do the treatment at affordable costs.


If you want Crown and bridge treatment in Bistupur or any city in India, the dental specialists will do treatment in steps. You will revive missing or damaged teeth. It involves using artificial teeth (pontics) to fill in gaps and dental crowns to cover and protect weakened or broken teeth.

  • Consultation: The first step is to consult a dentist who will evaluate your oral health and determine if crown and bridge treatment is an effective choice for you. We will take X-rays and impressions to assess your teeth and jaw.
  • Tooth preparation: If the bridge's supporting teeth (abutment teeth) are damaged or decayed, we will prepare by removing a portion of their enamel to make space for the dental crowns. We will administer anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure.
  • Impression: We will take an imprint of your teeth and gums to create an accurate mold for the dental laboratory to fabricate the bridge and crowns. A temporary bridge protects the prepared teeth until the final restoration is ready.
  • Shade selection: If you want crown and bridge treatment in Bistupur, the dentist and the patient work together to choose the appropriate color and shade for the crowns and bridge, ensuring a natural and aesthetic appearance.
  • Bridge fabrication: The dental laboratory uses impressions to create custom bridges and crowns. In the meantime, the temporary bridge remains in place.
  • Crown and bridge placement: Once the final restoration is ready, we will remove the temporary bridge, and the new bridge and crowns will be fitted and adjusted for optimal fit and bite. The dentist will check the aesthetics, function, and comfort before permanently cementing them.
  • Follow-up and maintenance: After you undergo crown and bridge treatment in Bistupur, the dentist will provide instructions for maintaining the restorations. Regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene are essential to ensure longevity.

Pros of Crown and Bridge Treatment

Crown and bridge treatment offers several benefits, including:

  1. Restored Functionality
  2. Improved Aesthetics
  3. Durability

Special Services for Crown and Bridge Treatment

Omkarananda Dental Care goes the extra mile to ensure patient satisfaction and comfort during crown and bridge treatment. The clinic offers:

  1. Personalized Treatment Plans
  2. Digital Dentistry: Our dental clinic utilizes advanced digital technologies such as CAD/CAM systems to create precise and natural-looking crowns and bridges in a shorter timeframe.

Quick Treatment for Crown and Bridges

Utilizing cutting-edge technology and a highly efficient team ensures crown and bridge treatment is completed on time, reducing waiting periods and minimizing patient inconvenience.

Long-Term Benefits:

Crown and bridge treatment in Bistupur offers long-term benefits, including:

  1. Improved Oral Health: Crowns and bridges help protect the remaining natural teeth, preventing them from shifting or becoming misaligned.
  2. Enhanced Confidence

Cost Comparison - India and USA

Crown and bridge treatment costs in India are significantly lower than in the USA. Our clinic provides top-quality care at a fraction of the cost, ensuring an excellent return on investment for international patients.