
Root Canal Treatment in Bistupur

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Root canal treatment falls in the category of dental procedures. In such a procedure, the dental surgeon will save the tooth by eradicating dying or dead nerve tissue and bacteria from the interior of the tooth.

RCT at Dr Omkarananda’s dental care in Bistupur

The dental surgeon will use topical gel and needles for root canal treatment in Bistupur at Omkarananda dental clinic. By doing this, the dental specialist will place the numbing medicine or the anaesthetic around the tooth with impaction.

When the dental surgeon inserts the needle, you will feel a light pricking sensation. After this, the dentist will use the little drill. It is to eradicate the small portion of the upper part of the tooth for pulp exposure. It is also called access.


Pulp comprises blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. It is in the interior of the tooth. It operates in the tooth canals right towards the jaw bone.

Pulp permits to have sensations to the conditions like temperature. The pulp provides the blood supply to the tooth. A dental expert at Omkarnada dental clinic will remove the infected pulp with the help of special tools known as files.


Canals are tiny pathways located in the interior portion of the tooth. The dental specialist will clean and rinse the canals with the help of disinfecting solution.

Further, the specialist will put the medicine in the area. It is to ensure the removal of the germs. By doing this, there will be no further infection.

After cleaning the tooth, the dentist will fill these with a permanent substance. The oral specialist will seal the tooth's upper portion with the help of soft but temporary material.

After filling the tooth with the permanent material, the specialist will place the final crown on top. To treat and prevent infection, our oral surgeon at Omkaranda dental clinic will provide you with an antibiotic.

Why RCT at Omkaranda dental clinic?

After diagnosis, we will do the root canal treatment for you in Bistapur if we trace the infection of the tooth pulp. The prime symptom is swelling and pain around the area.

You may have the infection because of the tooth crack, injury or cavity. It could be because of the deep pocket inside the gum area engulfing the tooth. In such a case, the endodontist will examine the region.

Source of infection

Based on the infection's cause and the decay's complexity, the tooth may or may not be salvageable. Know that the RCT can ultimately save your tooth. If you do not go for such a treatment in time, the tooth will be damaged, and the dentist will have to remove it.

Cost of RCT at Omkarananda dental clinic

We will look into the overall dental health before finalising the tentative root canal treatment cost in Bistupur.