
I Have A Cavity Or Broken Tooth

Cavity Filling

Cavity Filling


A cavity filling is a dental procedure that aims to restore a tooth damaged by decay. A cavity filling involves removing the decayed part of the tooth and filling the hole with a material that protects the tooth from further damage and restores its function and appearance. Different materials can be used for cavity fillings, such as amalgam, composite, glass ionomer, gold etc. If you have a cavity in your teeth, do not delay and visit our dental experts today.

Composite Restoration

Composite Restoration

Composite restoration uses a tooth-colored material to repair a tooth that has been damaged by decay or trauma. A composite restoration can restore the shape, function, and appearance of the tooth, and prevent further damage or infection. It can also help fix broken or chipped tooth. If you have a chipped tooth and want a quick fix, composite restoration is here to help.